Friday, July 20, 2018

Swoon Friday Queen B* Strikes Back

26833325The Queen B* Strikes Back by Crista McHugh

Kindle Edition 42% Chapter 7
"Lexi?" His voice was strained and raw, and I could barely hear him over the crowd, but the question came in loud and clear.
He was asking permission before he kissed me.
And I nodded 
I'd barely had a chance to close my eyes before his lips were on mine. He started out soft and tentative, as though he expected me to go premenstrual and slap him.
I pulled him closer and let him know in no uncertain term that I wanted more.
His laughter vibrated from his chest to mine, and he deepened the kiss.
Everything around us seemed to stop and fade away. I was fully encased in the world Brett created with his lips, his mouth, his arms. My heart pounded in my ears, and I was almost afraid to breathe because it might ruin the moment to gasp in life-sustaining air. I wanted to inhale him--his smell, his taste, his warmth. They all became part of the wonder and the excitement and the frustrating intoxication that was Brett, and I couldn't get enough.
I tightened my hold on him as my knees turned to Jell-O. His arms squeezed around my waist, pulling me against him until I had no idea where I ended and he began. We were locked at the lips, and our bodies merged together with such perfection that the silly romantic notion that Brett was made for me crept into my mind. 

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