Sunday, September 23, 2018

Update Regarding Posting

Hey everyone!

So I have found that because I'm in High School I don't have much time to blog as I used to. I would like to keep my schedule up, that I had established during the summer, but it's just not possible now. What I'm hoping to do is read books as often as I can, and then blog about them every other weekend.

As I would still like to do my Teasers and Swoons, I think I will upload a teaser from the book a couple days before I post about it, then hopefully if I feel up to it, I'll also include a Swoon-Worthy moment or a swoony scene from the book in my post, which means my reviews of the books might be a little shorter, or I won't include the blurb of the book, and I'll just link it to Goodreads so you can read it there.

Thanks for the cooperation and the support you've given me by reading my reviews!

Till next time,

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